Martes, Enero 15, 2013

why engineering?

i'm now in my 4th year as a computer engineering student but still i keep on asking my self why did i take up this course. looking back in my childhood days, my dream is to become a doctor, pilot, lawyer etc. Engineering never come up in my mind. as i grow, these dreams suddenly vanished. teachers were asking what am i going to be in the future but i just say anything that pops out in my mind not knowing that it's not what i really wanna be. little by little i discover something about my self. i saw my self enjoying mathematics and science classes, i fell in love with numbers. i enjoy opening broken appliances or gadgets. i developed an attitude i really dont understand if it's negative or positive. i see many problems around and i wish i could solve it all. i remember before 3G calling came out, it came to my mind what if when you call you can see the person to your phone. DUAL SIM came out in my mind before it was introduced. but as time goes by, i got distracted in many things. then i lost the path i was trying to walk to. still, the interest in mathematics  remain. when i was about to graduate from high-school, i made up my mind that i will be an ACCOUNTANT.  i took up scholarship examination with my classmate/friend i pass the exam but unfortunately she didnt make it. when i was filling up the form for entrance exam, the momentum suddenly dropped because i wasnt able to go to school that i wish to enter. i didnt chose accountancy. out of the blue i saw the fliers of the school and i looked in the courses offered. i just pick computer engineering thinking that this could make me happy. i passed the entrance examination. what i feel now is  i dont have any regrets upon my choice. i dont give a damn if it's gonna take a lot of money, time, efforts etc. I WILL DEFINITELY ASTONISHINGLY  GOING TO BE AN ENGINEER. now that im in my 4th year, i still ask my self what the hell is my problem that i took up this hell-like environment. BUT IF IT'S HELL,I ENJOY BEING IN HELL.


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